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Name: Laura De Wilde
Studio lauradewilde
Instagram: @lauradewilde
Website: www.lauradewilde.com

Please introduce yourself and tell us about what you do.

My name is Laura de Wilde, and I am a visual artist based in Amsterdam. I studied English Language and Literature as well as Art History, worked as an editor for publishing houses and about fifteen years ago I left all that, rented a studio and started doing what I always wanted to do namely to start a career as a full-time professional artist. My work is always abstract, emerging from intuition and coincidence. When I start there is always a vague idea but lots of things happen along the way.

Could you explain more about how being a woman has affected your career?

I am not sure whether being a woman affected my career. What I do know is that at least in The Netherlands, it is difficult to be taken seriously by galleries and similar institutions when you start your art career at a later stage. And even more difficult if you have not been trained as an artist. Luckily, I am passed that; I follow my own path, I am not exclusively linked to one gallery to have all the freedom I like. I now work with and for private collectors, interior designers, and galleries worldwide.

Can you name some other female artists that inspire you and explain why they do so? 

Oh, there are many, but I will list a few visual artists that I have been ’following’ for a very long time. And whom I either admire for their works, or their craftmanship or their views and theories. So, here we go: Agnes Martin, Joan Mitchell, Alice Neel, Pierette Bloch, Marlene Dumas, Helen Frankenthaler, Elizabeth Peyton, Georgia O’Keeffe, Louise Bourgeois and Tracey Emin. But I am sure there are many missing. These artists all followed their own, unconventional, path. Strong women inspire me. 

What has been the most challenging aspect of being a female artist?

Apart from the fact that for women it is still more difficult to juggle work, partner, children, social life, education – even in 2021- I think maybe women tend to be less outspoken and clear about their work or goals and that could affect me as well. Sometimes ;)

What would you like people to notice in your artwork?

I hope people feel the sensitivity and serenity I try to catch in my work. The peacefulness I felt when I was moved by something in such a way that I want to paint it. Re-live it and feel it.

At the same time, I hope viewers enjoy the materiality and tactility of my work. Being moved by the choice of colours, balance, repetition, and materials used. I aim for many layers so that the work is different from various points of looking at it. My work should feel as a companion. I do not want to convey a message, learn a lesson, or stir things up. I aim for quietness within.

Each Monday we bring you a fresh interview with a female artist.